Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jesus reveals his messages through James Padgett are his Second Coming

December 2nd, 1915.
Received by:James Padgett
Washington D.C.

I am here, Jesus.

I have heard your discussion to-night, and am pleased at the soul understanding of my truths which you and your friend seem to have and I now feel that you are both progressing to that point where you will soon be in a condition to fully understand what my mission is in writing these messages.

You have said truly that my new revelation of the truths of the soul is what mankind needs at this time, and what men will be in condition to accept as the real truths of God's love and of His laws. My coming to you is really my second coming on earth, and the result of my coming in this way will satisfy and fulfill all the promises of the scriptures as to my second coming.

So let your belief in this important fact and your faith in me increase until you will have in your souls and minds no doubt as to what my present mission is, and as to what your work will be in making known to men my real purpose in revealing to them the great truths of the Father.

I will not write more to-night, but say keep up your courage and believe, and the time will soon come when you will be able to receive my messages in all their fullness, and with such rapidity that the spreading of these truths will not be delayed. I am with you and will be a faithful friend and brother, sticking closer to you than any earthly brother.

With all my love and blessings, I am

Your loving brother and friend,

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December 2nd, 1915.
Received by:James Padgett.
Washington D.C.

Let me say just one word. I was present and I saw the wonders of his power and glory again, I know that he is so much in earnest as to the truths of his mission and of your work, that no man can doubt.

I cannot write much for I am so overpowered by his great presence that I can scarcely write. How wonderful that he should come to you in this way and declare to you his great messages of truth and power! If you could only have seen him you would never again doubt him or his great mission and your work.

I must stop.

Your brother in Christ,
St. James

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December 2nd, 1915.
Received by:James Padgett.
Washington D.C.

Let me tell you that the Master has just written, and in writing he again displayed his great power and glory for he wrote with all the authority of his heavenly powers. I was present and know what I write to be true.

I wish that l could write you a longer letter to-night but it is late and you need rest.

Your own true brother in Christ,
St. John

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December 2nd, 1915
Received by:James Padgett.
Washington D.C.

I know it is late, but, yet, I must say that what has been told you is true, and when we speak of the glory of the Master you cannot conceive of what is meant. In your mind think of the dim flame of the candle and the glory of the noonday sun and then compare the glory of the greatest thing in all the earth with this glory of the Master, and you will see side by side the dim candle and the glorious sun.

We all know what the Divine Love of the Father is, but do not appreciate its greatness or wonder, until we occasionally see it displayed in and by Jesus.

Go to your prayers in the full belief that this Great Divine Love has been present to-night in amazing abundance, and that you both have had its influence around and in you to a degree, that will cause you to feel to some extent, the great peace that comes only to the children of light and at-onement with the Father.

Believe that your experience of this night is true and that it may be yours frequently when your souls are attuned to the inflowing of the love.

I must say good-night, and God bless you with all His influence Divine.

I am your brother in Christ,
A. G. Riddle

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December 2nd, 1915.
Received by:James Padgett.
Washington D.C.

I am your grandmother.

My dear son. I feel that I must write you just a line, because I want to tell you that the Master wrote you, and with such power and force that you must not doubt.

He was glorious and with his great love there was so much glory, that we were all for the time, overshadowed by these influences so that we could only listen in adoration.

So believe me when I say that you must believe, for never was a message given with more authority. I know that it is hard for you to conceive what I mean, but you will know some day.

Your own loving grandmother,
Ann Rollins.

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December 2nd, 1915.
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.

I am here, Helen.

Well, sweetheart, now you must be satisfied beyond all doubt that you are the chosen one of the Master to do his work.

It was Jesus who was writing to you, and never before have I seen him with such a royal and authoritative expression on his face. It must have been just such a look as he had when before the tomb of Lazarus he said: "Lazarus come forth." Power and determination were in his words and stamped on his face, and we who are here never before felt the wonderful authority which he has. Always before, were only love, and humility and grace, but when he told you what he did, everything seemed to be subordinated to this regal power and authority, which he showed forth. I never before had seen this phase of his attributes, and we all felt that we were standing in the presence of - if not God - then of the mightiest personage in all God's universe.

I can well imagine that his wrath, should he ever have occasion to show it, would be terrible and withering.

So my dear you must no longer doubt or hesitate as to what your work is to be, or as to what great power you will have back of you in doing his work.

I am simply awestruck to night and can write no more now,

So with all my love, I am
Your own true and loving,


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