I am here to answer questions which deal with the progress of infants who have passed over prematurely into the Spirit Life.
This subject is indeed one of vital interest to young parents who have suffered the terrible bereavement of a little child; death and one wondering what will become of its soul alone and bereft of those who in life love it the most.
If there is one consolation that can help assuage the sense of emptiness in the heart of a mother and father who for sundry reasons or circumstances have thus sustained so deep a loss, it is that the soul of the child, unsullied by passage through the mortal life, cannot experience the suffering and remorse of soul purification in the various abodes of darkness and despair in the outer regions of the Spirit World.
In this world of spirits, to which your own mortal world is but an antechamber and a prelude, there are so many kindly, motherly spirits whose love of infants is fulfilled by caring for, with the greatest of maternal solicitude and affection, those little ones whose greatest need is to love and be loved.
These little spirits are loved and watched over by these guardian spirits in nurseries or areas designated specifically for the purpose and they attend schooling for knowledge and information that will enable them to take their places, in time, in their world, as you do in yours, as full-fledged spirits carrying out those tasks for which the composition of their souls gives them a certain vent or predilection.
The motivating force in the Spirit World is progress—progress of the soul from sin and unhappiness, to purity and contentment, and as I have been teaching and proclaiming it, constantly increasing bliss and possession of eternal life through prayer to the Father for His divine love and the subsequent change of soul substance into the very essence of the Father.
Spirits throughout the spirit spheres are constantly made aware of the existence of the divine love and its availability to whomsoever seeks it in sincerity and faith.
The pity of it is is that many souls are not in condition to grasp its meaning and believe it is a hallucination or mere falsehood while others, especially in the spheres of the purified souls are so satisfied with the happiness they have already attained that they cannot conceive of anything beyond what they already possess.
Their attitude has been conditioned, shall I say hardened by their experiences of the earth life and stages through which they have passed from the hells to the heavens of sunlight and happiness.
Infants and children however, as though this is their compensation for the loss of the mortal experience, come into the Spirit life without going through the sombre experience of the hells.
They come with souls filled with purity and this is with happiness and they are furthermore open and receptive to the teaching of the Celestial Angels who inhabit the Celestial Heavens where I and those who possess the Father's divine love have their dwelling.
Ancient forebears and ancestors who do not possess the divine love are not permitted to impose their will upon the child spirits in order to make them adhere to their own particular cult or sect and since it is the Father's will that the divine love be proclaimed so that as many as so desire it may seek and obtain His salvation.
These lesser spirits regardless of what their relationship in the flesh might have been to the infant or child spirit, are powerless to prevent these infant spirits from being taught and accepting and praying for the Father's Divine Love and inhabiting the glorious heavens of the Celestial Angel.
The result of infant mortality in the world of the flesh is usually rapid advance in the Spirit World to the Celestial Heavens for brains and intellect count for little when the standard for admission and acceptability is a soul filled with the Divine Love of its maker, pure and candid and radiant and where knowledge and understandin ar the product of divine intuition and insight.
It thus happens most frequently that it is the young soul, ablaze with the glory of the Father's Divine Love, which seeks to encourage its mortal parents to turn to God and purify their souls, as well as to seek His Divine Love and obtain everlasting life and happiness thereby.
It is indeed saddening to witness mortal parents praying in church for the soul of a departed child, who is happy and radiant in its Celestial abode, or progressing rapidly towards such an abode in the soul spheres of love and could not be more secure and safe with its Celestial protectors.
Prayers by mortals in sincerity and love reach the soul of the departed and make it aware of the bond of love between them and give it that sense of gratitude to know it has not been forgotten by its kin on earth and the fact that its kin have this faith in God and do seek the Father's Divine Love makes the bond between them closer, more perceptible, and makes the eventual abode of all them in the spirit world more close.
There is just one more thing I would like to speak about and this includes not only infant spirits but the entire subject of illness, suffering and death in the mortal world.
If God is good and kind and all merciful, why does He seemingly permit such torture, such misery, such pain and grief?
And why does He apparently permit evil, wars, plagues and calamity?
I have heard these reproaches often enough from anguished hearts.
It is very difficult to give a rational explanation meant for the mind, when the feelings and the heart must be reached instead.
You must know, however, that evil and the resultant horrors which proceed therefrom come from the aberrations and moral malignancies in the human heart, and as man possesses a free will, or he would not otherwise be man, he must be permitted free scope to his actions, and elimination of human miseries and catastrophes born of these malignancies must stem from elimination of those evils in the human heart, not only in the heart of those in favor but from all mankind.
This is the reason for moral religion, as exemplified, one may say, by Judaism and for the New Birth where Divine Love will replace evil, fill the soul and enable mankind to obtain love, mercy and peace on earth as well as in Heaven.
In the physical universe, matter is obedient to physical law and these laws cannot be broken by God because He set the pattern for their operation in the eternity of the past. An expression which you may find difficult to comprehend, but true nevertheless, and the life, so to speak, of the universe approximates that of animal life in the flesh with accretions, growth and dispersion whereby masses of cosmic matter are attracted to each other, grow and finally burst asunder bringing about repetition of the process in different forms and conditions.
Hence the birth of your solar system and earth, subject to the laws that govern them through he direction of the first cause.
Placed in this milieu, life as you know it, and as I have know it in Judea, remains subject to the physical laws of the earth and of the cosmic forces which operate to perfection the divine pattern.
Without them man could not exist as a living creature on earth and to them man must attribute his eventual demise; at best he may seek to control or use them within his capabilities for his own questionable or noble purposes and struggles, against these aspect in the cosmic forces that on earth are prejudicial to his survival, like harmful organisms and adverse weather conditions.
Relatives of mortals and mortals themselves, who, regardless of age, succumb to the physical foes and these include accidents as well, must realize that these condition were not brought about by God to harass man , be he innocent or guilty, but that they are extant in and form part of a developmental process which has enabled life as you know it to emerge and establish itself on earth and for which man should thus be grateful.
As it is man's present privilege, as a conscious being award of his maker, to eliminate his moral imperfections for purification and to strive for at-onement of his soul with that of God through the Divine Love for eternal life and happiness, so should man seek and strive to eliminate theses forces of the physical world noxious to his existence, and eliminate them through use of his intellect,moral courage and help of God.
I hope that these words will be used for the consolation of the bereaved regardless of the circumstances and that use can be made of them for the better understanding between the departed and its beloved on earth and so I shall stop and blessing you with my love and calling upon the Father pour out upon you His mercies and love in abundance, I shall sign myself
Jesus of the Bible
Master of the Celestial Heavens
Artwork by Sulamith Wolfing