November 14th, 1915
Received by:James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, William Stone:
I am the father of the Doctor and I want to tell him that I am with him very often trying to help him, and make his material affairs become more successful. I am also with him in his soul aspirations, for I can see that he is more in the way to learn the truth of the life in the spirit world, and of the destiny of mortals after they become spirits. So if he will at times give me a loving anxious thought I will be able to come into closer rapport with him and impress him more consciously as to what I think is wise for him to do or not do.
He may be surprised that I am here, but I have been present on several occasions, when his soulmate and his mother and your wife have written to him, and have observed the effect upon him of the communications as given and received.
While his soulmate is with him so very much, and is closer to him than any of us, yet his mother and I have a great interest in him and love him very much.
I am his guardian angel and have looked after him ever since I entered the spirit world and became imposed with the duty of looking after him. I only wish to tell him this tonight. I am very happy and am in the fifth sphere and expect to soon get into the seventh sphere where his mother is, but I am afraid that before I do so, she will leave for the Celestial and so I will have to strive again to reach her. I have nothing further now to say tonight.
Well, his brother is in the condition that his mother told him, and is suffering a great deal, but he will soon see the light and get relief. Some of your band who seem to love his mother so much are working with him, and he seems to be interested in them, and believe that they are really trying to help him.
I would prefer if he wait until I come again as this is my first attempt at writing, and I want to be in condition to answer any question that he may ask without confusion. So tell him that I will come again and will be willing to answer his questions.
So, bidding you goodnight, I will leave you both my love and best wishes.
His Father,
William Stone

June 29th, 1916
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Luther.
I desire to write a short message tonight on the subject of: "The observance of the ceremonies which my church still uses in its worship is not approved by God or Jesus." I will not detain you very long and will try to express myself as succinctly as possible.
Well, as you may not know, the church of which I am the founder believes and teaches the necessity of infant baptism and the observance of the Lord's Supper as necessary parts of its church doctrine, and of such very great importance that without them it is difficult to become an accepted member of the invisible church of Christ.
Nothing is further from the truth than these doctrines for the baptism of infants, for they have no virtue to save one from his sins or to make him in at-onement with the Father, and the mere fact that water is sprinkled on an infant's head and some blessing pronounced by the preacher does not in any way bring that infant in unison with the Father. Baptism is of man's creation and to God it means nothing more than an outward ceremony that affects the infant merely as regards its connection with the established earthly church. It is not possible for this baptism to have any effect upon the soul of the infant and neither does it open up the soul faculties to the inflowing of the Divine Love.
God cares not for these ceremonies, and rather looks upon them with disapproval, for their tendency is to make men and women neglectful of the great truth that will bring them in harmony with God's laws of Love and redemption. And the same thing may be said of any and all kinds of baptism, whether the subject thereof be an infant or a grown man or woman.
As to the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, it has no part in God's plan for the redemption of mankind and it is merely a reminder of the association of Jesus with his disciples. It cannot affect the condition or development of the soul, and as now understood and practiced this sacrament is of no importance, for Jesus does not want to be remembered in the way of recalling to him the tragedy on the cross which was only the result of the malice and envy of the Jews; and the blood spilt is not an element that enters into the plan of the salvation of men. And besides, with this sacrament there is always more or less worshiping of Jesus as God, which he, Jesus, abhors and looks upon as blasphemy.
So you see, the celebration of the last supper is a thing which is not acceptable to God or to Jesus. He does not want men to believe that they can be saved by any sacrifice of him or by any blood which he may have shed as a result of his crucifixion.
Of course, you will remember that the question of what the wine and bread of the sacrament really were, was one that engendered much controversy, and even hatred and ill-feeling on the part of those who were assisting me in the great Reformation. If I had known then what I do now, no such question would have been debated or believed in by me and taught for many years. The blood of Jesus was no more than any other man's blood, and the commemoration of the last supper that Jesus gave his disciples before his death, is a useless ceremony and brings no help to those who indulge in this sacrament.
I see that you are tired and sleepy and I will not write more now.
So with my love and wishes for an increase in you of the Divine Love, I am Your brother in Christ,