Friday, June 14, 2013

Saleeba is progressing with James's help

July 5th, 1915
Received: by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.

 I am here, Saleeba. 

Well, I am with you again, and I want to tell you that I am so very happy, as I have progressed so much since I wrote you a short time ago. 

I am still in the Third Sphere, but I am in a higher plane, and with spirits who have the soul development to a very great degree, and in their love I am just so happy that I cannot express to you its extent. 

Oh, what a wonderful thing the Divine Love is, and when I consider the long years that I lived as a spirit without knowing anything about this Love, I can scarcely express my regret at the unfortunate position in which I lived.

I know now that Jesus is the true leader of all the spirits who have this great soul development, and that he can show the way to the Father's Kingdom as no other spirit can; and besides, when I come in contact with him, I realize that he has so much of this Love himself that what he says must be true.

I will soon progress to a higher sphere, they tell me, and will get Love in more abundance, and then in a little while I shall go to my own people and tell them of the wonders and glories of my new found home. 

What a blessed, happy time I anticipate among these spirits who are now in such ignorance of the only thing that brings this great happiness. I am not in condition now to tell you of my residence or life on earth as I promised, but sometime I will keep my promise.

You must think kind thoughts of me, and let your love come to me so that I may feel its benefit; for I must tell you that the loving thoughts of a mortal who knows what this Divine Love is have a wonderful influence on spirits, and their advancement in the spirit spheres. 

I will not write more tonight. 

So with my love and kindest thoughts I am, 

Your sister in Christ, 

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