Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Luther.
I have come merely to remind you that I am waiting to continue my discourse to my people.
I am very anxious to do this, and as soon as you get in condition I hope that you will give me the opportunity.
Well, we will arrange that, and all that we desire is for you to get in condition. We are with you a great deal and try to assist you in every way possible.
Well you have asked me a question that I should like to have more time in which to answer than I have now.
But in short, Jesus was not of the substance of God in the sense that the Catholic Church, following the Nicene Creed, claimed.
He took on a part of the Divine substance as the Divine Love filled his soul, and so can you or any other man do to the extent that you may receive this Love.
But to say, that Jesus was in his very being of the substance of the Father to that degree that made him equal to God, is erroneous, and should not be taught or believed in.
He was born or created in the likeness of God in the way that has been explained to you and in no other.
He was a man and not God, or any part of Him, and if he had not received into his soul the Divine Love, he would never have been of the substance of the Father. But being of a very spiritual nature, and in fact so much so that he was without sin, this Love commenced to come into his soul very early, as you may say, from his very birth, and at the time of his anointing he was so filled with it that you may say, he was of the substance of the Father in the quality that that Substance possessed of the Nature Divine.
He was no more Divine though naturally, as I may say, than was any other mortal born of the flesh. I should like to write you a long message on this subject, and will some time, when convenient.
Well, all the speculation that has ever existed as to the Eucharist and the change in the qualities of the bread and wine, are untrue.
Jesus is not in these elements in any particular or view that may be taken. His flesh and blood went the way of all other flesh and blood of mortals, and no more forms a part of the bread and wine than does your flesh and blood.
This sacrament, as it is called, is very abhorrent to the Master, and when it is celebrated, I must tell you, he is not present, not only not in flesh and blood but also not in his spiritual presence.
He dislikes any kind of worship which places him as its object in the position of God or as the son of God who paid a great debt by his sacrifice and death.
He wants God alone to be worshipped, and himself to be thought of only as the one who brought to light immortality and life by his teachings and the living demonstration of the truth of the existence of the Divine Love in himself.
He does not approve of the teachings of men that his death and his blood were the means of man being saved from their sins and becoming reconciled to God. He says, it was his living and teachings and demonstration of the Love of God existing in his own soul that showed the only true way to salvation.
But, I must not write more now.
So with my love I will say good night.
Your brother in Christ,
Martin Luther
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