Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C
I am here, St. George (of the Dragon).
I was a warrior, and not a saint. I was an enthusiast in the cause of the Christians against the Turks, and I fought and suffered and died; but as to my being a saint, I never was one more than was any other warrior who was stirred by the great cause which urged us to rescue the Holy Land from the infidels.
But, while I was never a saint, yet I was of a religious turn of mind and spiritual things appealed to my higher nature, and at times my soul felt the influence of the workings of the spirit world.
But I was never a real possessor of the Father's Love as I now am. Since my coming into the spirit world I have received this Great Love, and am now a follower of the Master in my belief in his teachings, and in my efforts to work for the good of humanity.
I now know what the Divine Love of the Father means, and how the possession of it fills the soul with happiness and immortality. I live in the Celestial Spheres and am a member of the Kingdom of Jesus.
So, I merely came to add one more testimony to the fact that through you the Master is working to save mankind from their sins and to extend his Kingdom of Love and happiness to all parts of the earth.
I will not write more now. So I will say good night.
Your brother in the cause,
St. George
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