July 8th, 1915
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, your grandmother.
I want to tell you tonight of my experience in my new home, among the redeemed spirits who have entered that Kingdom.
I am living, as I told you, in the second Celestial Sphere, and am surrounded by everything that makes me happy and in unison with the Father.
I am also in close attachment with the Master, although he lives in a sphere much higher in the Celestial Heavens, and which, he tells me, is close to the fountainhead of God's Love.
I have with me a great number of spirits who have received the Great Love of the Father in great abundance, and who are so good and beautiful that they are as of the Father. And here I must tell you that all angels in His Kingdom, which is ruled over by Jesus, are the spirits of mortals who once lived on earth, and not what the Old Testament called angels are.
I am informed there are beings who never had the experience of living in the flesh. I have never seen any of these angels and I don't know where they live, but Jesus says they are a distinct class of God's creation, and that they live in spheres that are separated from the heavens that he rules in. I have often wished to see some of these angels, but it does not appear that they ever come to our Celestial Heavens.
So when you hear us speak of angels we mean only those who were mortals, and who have been redeemed by the Love of the Father and who are living in the higher spheres of our own Celestial Heavens.
Of course I don't know whether these other angels will ever know anything about our Heavens or not, but if they ever should, I doubt that they will ever realize the full meaning of a soul redeemed, because only those who have gone through the experience of living in the flesh and having all the sorrows of mortals and the redemption from their condition of sin and error by the Love of the Father, can ever fully understand what redemption means.
So I believe that no angel without this experience can ever enjoy the happiness that we who become inhabitants of Christ's Kingdom, enjoy. I may be mistaken in this, but this is my belief.
All ministering angels are spirits who once inhabited the physical body, and only such, it seems to me, can have that sympathy and love which fits them to understand and be able to sympathize with the sufferings of humanity.
Why, if you will think a moment, you will remember that even Jesus was not fitted to perform his great mission and to declare the Love of the Father, until he had entered into the physical body so that he could understand fully all the frailties and sufferings and longings of mortals.
At any rate, no angel that comes to mortal to minister is other than the spirit of one who has passed through these sufferings and sins of the mortal.
Well, as I have said, I am surrounded by many of these beautiful redeemed spirits, and they are all happy beyond conception by you who live on earth.
I am in a state of perfect happiness myself, and want for nothing that is necessary to make me realize that God is my Father of Love and mercy.
Yet I desire the progression that will take me to the higher spheres, but not on account of any discontent on my part, but because I am told that there are homes awaiting me and my companions in these higher spheres that are so much more beautiful than those which we now have.
And besides, the law of progression is constantly working here, and never are we permitted to cease our longing for the higher life and the greater abundance of the Divine Love that our Father promises us will be ours, if we desire and seek for it.
But you must never forget that while we strive to progress, we are never dissatisfied with what our Father has provided for us and what we possess.
My home here is a part of the Celestial Kingdom, and we who live in this sphere are all immortal, in the sense that that word has been explained to you.
We are greater in our attributes and qualities than were the first parents at the time of their creation. We can never die again and have passed beyond the second death, as it is written, for our Love is now so abundant that we are all partakers of the Father's divinity to such an extent that it can never be taken from us. No, not in all eternity.
And yet, with all this knowledge and consolation that it brings to us, we still have our love for those who live on earth, who have not yet acquired this Great Gift of the Father; and our work in trying to help mortals is a joy to us and never anything but a labor of love.
I will not tell you at this time how much our interests center in the work that the Master is doing for the salvation of mankind, but only say, that his love for man and his desire for their redemption are greater than they were when he was on earth; and all his followers - all who are in the Celestial Heavens as well as those who are in the spirit spheres - are working in unison with him to accomplish this great work to its fullest extent.
And many mortals are inspired by him and by his spirit followers, to assist in this work and make known to mankind the truths of his teachings and the wonderful Love of the Father which passeth all understanding.
So while the dogmas and teachings of many of the churches are not in accord with the truth, yet the teachings of the spiritual truths of Christ's mission, and of the gifts of the Father are now being bestowed upon mankind, and are the causes of many a soul being turned to God's Love and thereby securing their own salvation.
False beliefs and false doctrines as taught in most of the churches do much harm and retard the soul's progress, and keep many souls from the light while on earth as well as in the spirit world, but yet, with all these false teachings are mingled some truths of the soul's qualities for progress, and of the way in which it may find the entrance of God's Love into the soul and into His Kingdom.
I know that many men die with these false beliefs and retain them for a more or less longer time after they become spirits, yet the fact that they have as a part of their beliefs the faith in God's Love and in Jesus' teachings, will help them to grasp the real truth and to progress more rapidly after they have gotten rid of these false beliefs.
So while you must pity the followers of most of these orthodox churches because they are living in the security, as they think, of these false ideas, yet you would not be justified in attempting to do anything to abolish these churches in toto, because there is nothing to supply their places, and the truths which they teach would be destroyed and nothing left to serve the soul's interests.
But I tell you that the time is coming when the churches will teach the real truths of God's Love and of Jesus' mission and the way to man's salvation; and then humanity will be happier, and the Kingdom of Heaven will exist on earth as it does in our Celestial Heavens.
The time is now ripe for these churches to receive these truths, and men's longings for light and happiness will demand that the true gospel be preached, and it will be.
So my dear son, you see the necessity for providing the means by which these great truths may be conveyed to mortals.
The Bible is losing its hold on many - not only the students but the common people as well - and the truths which were intended that that book should contain must be brought to the knowledge and consciousness of men and women.
For many years the powers of the spirit world have been making efforts to have these truths communicated to men, but with very indifferent success.
Now I believe that I can see before me, as a vision, that many good men and women will develop their psychic powers to such an extent that they can be used as mediums of communication, and they will be so honest and earnest in their work, that men will believe the communications and learn the real truths that the Master is striving to teach.
I must stop now, as I have written a long time and you must rest awhile before you continue to write.

Washington D.C.
I am here, your grandmother.
I want to tell you tonight of my experience in my new home, among the redeemed spirits who have entered that Kingdom.
I am living, as I told you, in the second Celestial Sphere, and am surrounded by everything that makes me happy and in unison with the Father.
I am also in close attachment with the Master, although he lives in a sphere much higher in the Celestial Heavens, and which, he tells me, is close to the fountainhead of God's Love.
I have with me a great number of spirits who have received the Great Love of the Father in great abundance, and who are so good and beautiful that they are as of the Father. And here I must tell you that all angels in His Kingdom, which is ruled over by Jesus, are the spirits of mortals who once lived on earth, and not what the Old Testament called angels are.
I am informed there are beings who never had the experience of living in the flesh. I have never seen any of these angels and I don't know where they live, but Jesus says they are a distinct class of God's creation, and that they live in spheres that are separated from the heavens that he rules in. I have often wished to see some of these angels, but it does not appear that they ever come to our Celestial Heavens.
So when you hear us speak of angels we mean only those who were mortals, and who have been redeemed by the Love of the Father and who are living in the higher spheres of our own Celestial Heavens.
Of course I don't know whether these other angels will ever know anything about our Heavens or not, but if they ever should, I doubt that they will ever realize the full meaning of a soul redeemed, because only those who have gone through the experience of living in the flesh and having all the sorrows of mortals and the redemption from their condition of sin and error by the Love of the Father, can ever fully understand what redemption means.
So I believe that no angel without this experience can ever enjoy the happiness that we who become inhabitants of Christ's Kingdom, enjoy. I may be mistaken in this, but this is my belief.
All ministering angels are spirits who once inhabited the physical body, and only such, it seems to me, can have that sympathy and love which fits them to understand and be able to sympathize with the sufferings of humanity.
Why, if you will think a moment, you will remember that even Jesus was not fitted to perform his great mission and to declare the Love of the Father, until he had entered into the physical body so that he could understand fully all the frailties and sufferings and longings of mortals.
At any rate, no angel that comes to mortal to minister is other than the spirit of one who has passed through these sufferings and sins of the mortal.
Well, as I have said, I am surrounded by many of these beautiful redeemed spirits, and they are all happy beyond conception by you who live on earth.
I am in a state of perfect happiness myself, and want for nothing that is necessary to make me realize that God is my Father of Love and mercy.
Yet I desire the progression that will take me to the higher spheres, but not on account of any discontent on my part, but because I am told that there are homes awaiting me and my companions in these higher spheres that are so much more beautiful than those which we now have.
And besides, the law of progression is constantly working here, and never are we permitted to cease our longing for the higher life and the greater abundance of the Divine Love that our Father promises us will be ours, if we desire and seek for it.
But you must never forget that while we strive to progress, we are never dissatisfied with what our Father has provided for us and what we possess.
My home here is a part of the Celestial Kingdom, and we who live in this sphere are all immortal, in the sense that that word has been explained to you.
We are greater in our attributes and qualities than were the first parents at the time of their creation. We can never die again and have passed beyond the second death, as it is written, for our Love is now so abundant that we are all partakers of the Father's divinity to such an extent that it can never be taken from us. No, not in all eternity.
And yet, with all this knowledge and consolation that it brings to us, we still have our love for those who live on earth, who have not yet acquired this Great Gift of the Father; and our work in trying to help mortals is a joy to us and never anything but a labor of love.
I will not tell you at this time how much our interests center in the work that the Master is doing for the salvation of mankind, but only say, that his love for man and his desire for their redemption are greater than they were when he was on earth; and all his followers - all who are in the Celestial Heavens as well as those who are in the spirit spheres - are working in unison with him to accomplish this great work to its fullest extent.
And many mortals are inspired by him and by his spirit followers, to assist in this work and make known to mankind the truths of his teachings and the wonderful Love of the Father which passeth all understanding.
So while the dogmas and teachings of many of the churches are not in accord with the truth, yet the teachings of the spiritual truths of Christ's mission, and of the gifts of the Father are now being bestowed upon mankind, and are the causes of many a soul being turned to God's Love and thereby securing their own salvation.
False beliefs and false doctrines as taught in most of the churches do much harm and retard the soul's progress, and keep many souls from the light while on earth as well as in the spirit world, but yet, with all these false teachings are mingled some truths of the soul's qualities for progress, and of the way in which it may find the entrance of God's Love into the soul and into His Kingdom.
I know that many men die with these false beliefs and retain them for a more or less longer time after they become spirits, yet the fact that they have as a part of their beliefs the faith in God's Love and in Jesus' teachings, will help them to grasp the real truth and to progress more rapidly after they have gotten rid of these false beliefs.
So while you must pity the followers of most of these orthodox churches because they are living in the security, as they think, of these false ideas, yet you would not be justified in attempting to do anything to abolish these churches in toto, because there is nothing to supply their places, and the truths which they teach would be destroyed and nothing left to serve the soul's interests.
But I tell you that the time is coming when the churches will teach the real truths of God's Love and of Jesus' mission and the way to man's salvation; and then humanity will be happier, and the Kingdom of Heaven will exist on earth as it does in our Celestial Heavens.
The time is now ripe for these churches to receive these truths, and men's longings for light and happiness will demand that the true gospel be preached, and it will be.
So my dear son, you see the necessity for providing the means by which these great truths may be conveyed to mortals.
The Bible is losing its hold on many - not only the students but the common people as well - and the truths which were intended that that book should contain must be brought to the knowledge and consciousness of men and women.
For many years the powers of the spirit world have been making efforts to have these truths communicated to men, but with very indifferent success.
Now I believe that I can see before me, as a vision, that many good men and women will develop their psychic powers to such an extent that they can be used as mediums of communication, and they will be so honest and earnest in their work, that men will believe the communications and learn the real truths that the Master is striving to teach.
I must stop now, as I have written a long time and you must rest awhile before you continue to write.
Your loving grandmother
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