Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Jesus:
I merely want to say that the book you have been reading is one that shows that spiritualism is an established thing in this world of mortals. It is beyond doubt that spirits and mortals communicate, and that spirits know just what mortals are doing on earth, and bow to influence them in their loves and actions.
Well, that is the very reason why I am communicating to you these truths, for as you say, they were never before communicated to any mortal. Well, because no medium was fitted to receive them and the world was not in condition to believe as it is now. All this was a part of God's plan to bring about a salvation of mankind.
If these truths had been communicated at the time of the occurrence that you read of in that book, they would have been received with incredulity, even by the spiritualists themselves; and so the date for the communication of these truths was postponed until we saw that mortals were ready to receive these truths, which is now.
Question asked by Mr. Padgett of Jesus, which was often the case during Jesus writings when he was giving advice to Mr. Padgett.
I have read some of it, and it is more the imagination of spirits who attempted to impress the believers in Spiritualism with the idea that it was true and contained a true account of the creation of the world since, but it is not true, and has never been received as true by the people, and will not be so received, but will soon be forgotten.
My writings will contain only the truth and those truths must be received and accepted by men for in them is the eternal happiness or otherwise, for mankind. So you need not fear that they will not be received.
The power that is behind the present moment to spiritualize the world will not fail, and it will be accomplished through my messages which are being delivered through you.
You will not pass over until my messages shall be fully declared to the world, and neither will your mental faculties be impaired, but rather increased and with all this will be given you power to do many wonderful things which will cause to think and believe in what you may give to the world as truth coming from me.
I cannot write more.
Your friend and brother,
* * * * * *
August 24th, 1915
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Saint John:
I merely want to say that what the Master says is true, and will soon triumph, and you must believe for faith is a wonderful help. I know that it seems a long way off to you before you will get in condition to do these things, but it will not be long, for all the powers of our Christian Spirit World is working to bring this about.
I am with you very often when you are least aware of the fact and so are herds of others.
Well, he is subject to the same laws controlling communications that the rest of us are and the powers had left him when he so stated. It is nothing that you should be astonished at because you will find in the future that many times this power will exhaust itself.
You must not think that he is infallible in these things which pertain to the working of the laws governing the communications between spirits and mortals. We are all subject to them and sometimes conditions arise that prevent the continuance of communications.
Yes, it is so and you must not let the fact disturb you.
I will stop now.
Your brother in Christ,
* * * * * *
August 24th, 1915
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, St. Luke:
I merely want to add my testimony to that of John and to tell you that you must not doubt that the Master wrote you just because his powers to do so became exhausted.
I will not attempt to write more tonight.
No, the Bible is filled with errors, I never wrote many things which are credited to me and some time I will tell you of them in detail.
I will keep my promise.
So good night, Your brother in Christ,
St. Luke
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