September 24th, 1914

Be of good cheer for I am with you always. Do not let your heart fear, for the Lord is your keeper and He will be your guide and shield.
Only believe and trust in Him and you will soon be born again into the spiritual world of His Kingdom. Let me teach you and give you the thoughts that He gave me while on earth.
Let me show you that the things of this world are not the things that save the soul from sin and unhappiness. Be a true follower of your God. The New Birth is the flowing of the Holy Spirit into the soul of a man and the disappearing of all that tended to keep it in a condition of sin and error. It is not the workings of the man's own will but the Grace of God.
It is the Love of God that passes all understanding. You will soon experience the change, and then you will be a happy man and fit to lead others to the truths of God.
Let your heart be open to the knockings of the Spirit, and keep your mind free from thoughts of sin. Be a man who loves his God and his fellow man. Your love is only now of the earthly kind, but it will soon be of the things spiritual.
You must not let the cares of this world keep you from God. Let His Spirit come into your soul. Your will is the thing that determines whether you will become a child of God or not. Unless you are willing to let the Holy Spirit enter into your heart, it will not do so. Only the voluntary submission to or acceptance of the Holy Spirit will make the change.
I was the instrument in God's hands of leading men to His favor and Love. When I said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," I meant that through my teachings and example men should be able to find God.
I was not God and never claimed to be. The worship of me as a God is blasphemous and I did not teach it. I am a son of God as you are. Do not let the teachings of men lead you to worship me as a God. I am not. The trinity is a mistake of the writers of the bible. There is no trinity - only one God, the Father. He is one and alone. I am His teacher of truth, the Holy Spirit is His messenger and dispenser of Love to mankind.
We are only His instruments in bringing man to a union with Him. I am not the equal of my Father - He is the only true God. I came from the spirit world to earth and took the form of man, but I did not become a God - only the son of my Father. You also lived as a spirit in that kingdom, and took the form of man merely as a son of your Father. You are the same as I am, except as to spiritual development, and you may become as greatly developed as myself.
I am the only son when on earth who until then had become vested with the Divine love of God to the extent of being wholly free from sin and error. My life was not a life of earthly pleasure or sin, but was given wholly to my Father's work. I was His only son in that light. He was my Father as I knew Him to be. He is not a spirit of form like myself or yourself.
I was born as you were born. I was the son of Mary and Joseph, and not born of the Holy Spirit as it is written in the Bible. I was only a human being as regards my birth and physical existence. The account in the New Testament is not true, and was written by those who knew not what they wrote. They have done the cause of God's truths much injury. Let not your belief in that error keep you from seeing that my teachings are the truth.
Be only a believer of God and His truths and you will soon be in the Kingdom.
You will soon be able to understand as I understand.
Good night.
Jesus Christ
December 17th, 1914
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Jesus.
I have come to write to you my first message and you are too weak to take it, but I will come again when you are stronger.
You are not in a condition for me to tell you of what I have to write because you are too much worried by what you think of your earthly affairs. So I want you to let these things pass from you entirely as I cannot give you the thoughts that I desire you to write, until you are wholly free from your earth cares. Be more faithful and you will be more in condition to do as I desire. I will not come again until you are free from these worries, for you are not in a condition to receive what I wish to write while these worries exist.
(Unknown question asked by Mr. Padgett)
Yes I know, but you have not succeeded as I can see the condition of your mind and know that you are too much worried by the things that you have been thinking about during the day. You must trust more in the Father.
(Other unknown questions)
Yes, I do. So let that question rest.
Yes, I am that Jesus, and the men you have been reading about were my disciples and they are now enjoying the reward which their work and faith entitled them to. They are not in the heavens singing psalms or riding on clouds, as some of the Christians of the present and past times believe and teach, but are still working for the salvation of human and spirit souls. They are with me still and are doing the same kind of work as when they were on earth.
They did not actually mean that, but spoke only in allegory, and meant that I was in the heavens where they all supposed God to be; but as to my sitting on the right hand of His Throne, that is not true.
I am in a sphere that is of the highest and closest to the fountainhead of God's love, but I am also working to save mankind from their sins, and bring them in unison with God's Love, which is all around men and angels, but not necessarily in or form a part of them.
Only when a soul is filled with this love, can it be said to be in the Kingdom of God. So do not think that because God's Love is all through and around the world that every man is a partaker of it. I tell you that only the man who has received this love into his soul and lets it fill that soul so that there is no room for anything that tends to defile it, can be said to have received salvation or to be at-one with the Father.
You are trying to learn the truth in this regard and are progressing to a degree that you will realize what the New Birth means, and without this New Birth no man can come into the full enjoyment of the Fathers Love or he supremely happy.
Men may when they come into the spirit world think that they are happy by reason of a great moral excellence or because of wonderful mental acquirements, but their happiness is not the kind that the love of God, filling a man's soul, will bring.
So let your faith in the one necessary attainment increase, and when you have realized it to the full, you will be very happy and in God's Kingdom. I must stop writing now, for you are not in condition to write more.
(Question and Answer)
No, I will soon come again, for you will be in condition to receive me. Yes, I will love you with all my heart and let you feel that I am in closer rapport with you and lead you to a greater happiness from now until you can find the more extensive and greater love of the Holy Spirit. It is with you to a large extent now, but not so full as you need.
You are very dear to me and I will never forsake you, so rest in that assurance and I know that you will be happier, for no man has ever yet been in condition of unhappiness who has my love as you now have it. Be only my own true follower and I will be with you to the end.
Your own dear teacher and friend,
Jesus of Nazareth
who was crucified but rose again from the dead,
as you will rise and live again in the Favor and Love of the Father
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