Sunday, March 2, 2014

St. Sebastian

July 22nd, 1915
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.

I am here, St. Sebastian.

I am the spirit of a man who lived on the earth a few hundred years after the death of Jesus and was a bishop of the Church of Christ, and was crucified because of my faith and teaching of the truth of Jesus.

I was not a very great Christian in the sense of having a large degree of soul development, but I had the intellectual faith which caused me to pursue with energy and zeal the callings to which I had given my life.

I was not known to the world as a great disciple of the Master, but in the limited territory in which I lived and worked I was known as a zealous follower of the Master and a propagandist of his truths.

I am now in the Celestial Spheres and am possessed of the Divine Love of the Father and am happy beyond description. I am interested in the work which you are now performing and want to assure you of my cooperation in making known to the world the great truths which Jesus came to earth to teach and make known to humanity.

So, I will be of those who will sustain and help you to transmit these truths to mankind, and I will occasionally write you, as opportunity presents itself.

I lived in Italy and died there a martyr to my faith. So you see, I was like the disciples in this particular.

I will not write more tonight but will say that I am

 Your brother in Christ,
St. Sebastian 


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